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My Story

My name is Nikki. I got my first canon camera when I was a pre-teen. The thing went EVERYWHERE with me! As I grew, so did my passion. I love traveling and photographing what I see. I love to get the gritty details of something, the tranquil feeling of a place & the excitement of new places around me. 

self portrait holding a canon camera in front of a floral background

Nicole Waggerman

located out of Kansas City, MO

Camera Gear includes Canon Mark IV 5Di, 15-55 MM Standard, 35 MM Prime, 50 MM Prime, 100 MM Macro, 24-200 MM Telephoto, 200-600 MM Telephoto, Off-camera flashes, 

Places visited include China, Rocky Mountain National Park, Hoh Rainforest, Mount Olympia National Forest, Buffalo State Park, Washington, California, Florida, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska, Arkansas, Utah, Texas, Illinois, Alabama, Tennesee, 

Favorite place visited: Ruby Beach in Washington, Old Town in Lijiang China Yunan District

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